Higgins made Techvibes Top 20 List

Higgins made Techvibes Top 20 List

Sometimes life celebrates what you are working to become rather than what you have achieved. It was amazing to see the technology and our efforts recognized by the Techvibes team. To us, the ultimate goal of technology is to remove the burden of administration and security that haunts store owners as they work to bring their product or service to the world. Intuitive industry-designed technology can free their minds from the shackles of operating their business allowing them to focus on customer service and product quality. A win-win for everyone. Read More.

Higgins Enters into partnership with Chase Paymentech

Higgins Enters into partnership with Chase Paymentech

As one of Canada's largest credit card processors, we were fortunate to get Chase Paymenttech on board early on in the beta phase. We knew at the beginning that payment processing will be important to provide the store owner with one integrated product. The forward thinking staff at Chase came by our offices and instantly got hooked by Higgins. It's nice to know that traditional established companies can recognize the value to a startup so early on. Read More.

Higgins made Blog TO Top 5 List

Higgins made Blog TO Top 5 List

Toronto is important to us - Higgins was conceived and programmed in it's bars and cafes. Store owners from across the city took the beta for years into their stores with a passion to bring it to life. Some actually came by our liberty office and worked with the developers to help make Higgins better. Higgins is a Torontonian pure and simple. We owe much to the city and the special shop owners that shared our vision for a POS register that changes the game and still remains free. We are also honoured to be listed with such good company - all amazing products coming from Toronto. Also, for the record, Hangry does belong on this list! Read More.

Higgins is CPS' Mobile Register of Choice

Higgins is CPS' Mobile Register of Choice

We are happy to be selected as the default Mobile POS register for Canada's largest First Data ISO with over 10,000 clients are growing fast. We have integrated Higgins with their payment terminals - the technology is amazing. iPads can now seamlessly connect to one or more payment terminals all perfectly customized for the shop to improve performance. Taking payments just redefined. Read More.

Higgins made the Star Certified Software List

Higgins made the Star Certified Software List

The printer is one of the most important pieces of equipment in a shop - it prints receipts and chits for the kitchen. Without it - the store cannot run optimally. That's why we took great care in selecting our printer partner - we even visited their factories int he states and worked alongside their developers to improve technology integration. The result - Higigns connects with Star printers in a completely new way that allows owners to add as many terminals they want in 30 seconds flat - without downloading driver or performing any configurations - just click and the system is seamless connected to your hardware in seconds. Read More.

Higgins - MS Cashdrawer enter partnership.

Higgins - MS Cashdrawer enter partnership.

We are happy to work with MS Cashdrawer to obtain all the equipment necessary for our shops at amazing prices. Their staff have been especially amazing with us and have worked with us to achieve success. Thanks to the team for their support as we grow. Read More.