
Higgins AI provides best-in-class Artificial Intelligence system for small, medium and large enterprise businesses. It also provides free Public Consumer AI for searches of businesses and rebates.

How to make AI secure for any sized enterprise.

AI can be very powerful yet without the right controls in place, it can detract staff away from their jobs rather than enhance their performance. The key is to ensure information from the AI is securely provided to the correct associate that has the necessary permissions to review the answers from the AI.

This article will address some of these security concerns and how AI can be implemented to add value in a secure and compliant manner.

As a special bonus, a white paper on the detailed steps of how to apply AI security can be accessed through this newsletter!

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Can AI replace your job ?

There is a growing concern that AI will start taking jobs - in some cases, individuals and businesses are shunning it for the sake of waiting until the benefits can be better established and most risks minimized.

This episode will address some of these concerns and begin unraveling the potentially positive impact of AI on jobs.

What’s the Source of the Fear of AI

AI is slowly taking over many manual tasks like writing summaries, researching topics amongst many other high-energy long winded tasks. Some capabilities are more advanced, yet in the majority of cases, the AI is removing hours and even days of tedious work, making our work more efficient. At least that’s the promise.

Yet even though many can grasp some aspect of what AI can do, it usually evokes a sense of uncertainty and even fear in some. After some discussions with companies, executives and different subject matter experts. there are several reasons for this. The most probable sources for the sometimes tepid response to AI can be segmented into:

Lack of clarity of how AI can be specifically beneficial.

While there are many examples of how AI can help, many don’t know how it can specifically help them at work or at home. Apart from being a glorified search engine, note summarizer, information gatherer, the actual specific use case for how to use AI is not always obvious.

Too many risks for unproven rewards.

Many executives have informed me that the risks of data leaks, erroneous or misleading answers and overall distractions from doing the day to day work required for their teams to meet the deliverables are huge roadblocks for why AI needs to be put on hold until it’s more mature.

Time and cost of implementation.

There is a common perception that these complex AI systems require critical infra-structure rot be built, specific expertise hired and modifications to existing systems required in order for AI to be benefit. This drains resources, time and money that could be used to just get the job done in the traditional manner.

Loss of staff and jobs due to AI implementation.

Above all, many associates and even their leaders are “quietly” concerned that even the perception of AI implemented in their department could result in layoffs as executives work to trim costs to increase company profitability. This stark outcome hangs on the heads of many leaders I speak with as they try to balance their team’s workload while not being left behind by the advancing AI technology.

Observations on the Impact of AI

Many I speak to fear that AI can impact almost any job and so it’s difficult to know whether it’s impact is positive or negative.

While many of the concerns above are evident in professionals, the major, overarching concern is loss of staff and control. Since AI works at such a rapid rate and advances without any seeming limits, letting AI enter the workflow could make the team dependent, lose control of outcomes and expendable at some point.

Some professionals I spoke to stated, and I paraphrase:

“There is way to control the information being inputted and released using the AI.”

“Love the tech. Just can’t see a reasonable use case that makes sense given the early stage of this technology.”

“The technology is too young and wild for enterprise-level regulated operations.”

“I need my team to think for themselves and not be mislead by an AI that doesn’t really think, just regurgitate.”

“We’re just going to wait until the AI fads settle and the technology gets serious.”

Another business owner just used one word to respond to the suggestion that AI could help their business.

The e-mail that was promptly returned just said,” No!

There is still so much more that has been communicated, yet these are the most common thoughts collected thus far on why AI is avoided in some organizations.

Leveraging AI in Positive Ways

There are many ways to leverage AI in constructive ways. Chances are, you haven’t heard about most of them. The key distinction between many applications is whether they enhance the way you work or whether they remove a critical aspect of your daily tasks that should be done by you.

How can we leverage AI in a positive way? The answer depends on the job. A breakdown of the major job activities are outlined as follows:

So according to the Harvard Business Review, their 3-year study revealed that knowledge workers (like scientists, engineers etc.) spent “ 41 percent of their workday on <discretionary activities> that require little of their specialized expertise” (HBR Reference).

Imagine if AI could reduce 20% of that work ?  Just 20% could give you back almost one day of the week - a full day to innovate further, to apply the true expertise you were hired for, to do the work you are passionate about.

That’s the power of AI. Big picture, that’s what it can do for you - to give you the space and time to do the work you were meant to do.

So can AI take your job ?  Not really. Only you can create and innovate in your profession. Yet it can take away the <discretionary activities> we call “Low Value-Added Tasks” that require little or no specialized expertise that the Harvard Business Review was studying for over three years (HBR Reference).

The next section and this weekly Newsletter will provide practical, implementable use case examples of how AI can tackle these more menial tasks to validate it’s use in everyday work.

Validating AI in Business to Minimize “Low Value-Added Tasks”

Let’s take a look at how AI can be implemented into your everyday tasks. Review this slideshow to see real-life examples !

Click The Image To Download the Full Report

These are only quick snapshots of what AI can do. Subscribe and get weekly to gain insights and examples of how AI can change your everyday for the better !

Get Empowered! Take Action!

Want to get a free personalized proposal on how AI can be efficiently, safely and securely applied to benefit you? Schedule a value-add 30 minute consultation to see how AI can specifically impact you and your work!

Just 30 minutes can start you on the path to effectively integrate AI into your business.

This is an opportunity to leave with a confidential personalized plan and your own free Higgins AI install so you can proceed to effectively integrate Higgins AI into your everyday. It's our way of appreciating your valuable 30 minutes.

We care so much about your time. To that end, this is what you will get from the session:

  • Personalized free detailed proposal.

  • Tools and insights on how you can unlock some of the solutions to the problems that you are facing today at home, work or life.

  • Introduction to simple systems that have been proven over decades to quickly improve how you tackle your top-of-mind challenges and more importantly, how feel about them.

  • Free Higgins AI App Standard demo with your data.

All it takes is one step to begin the process of quickly, safely and securely integrate AI into your everyday. Schedule some time with us today.

We are looking forward to hearing from you!