P.U.R.E.S Ranking

Higgins AI provides best-in-class Artificial Intelligence system for small, medium and large enterprise businesses. It also provides free Public Consumer AI for searches of businesses and rebates.

P.U.R.E.S. Business Ranking System.

Higgins AI uses a new P.U.R.E.S. Business Ranking System that was developed by SolutionAgents to score a business and it’s value to clients.

This system relies on 100 factors distributed over five (5) areas that attempt to provide an overall assessment of the business. These factors are scored by TSS and governed by a committee of members that include Higgins AI associates, business community members and associates. While no system is perfect, this one evolves as we receive input to ensure that our process is transparent, equitable and effective.

Highly ranked businesses that are part of the Higgins Community appear first when searched through the Higgins AI app to ensure they are discovered. While other business search sites list their “sponsored” busineses first as long as they pay, the Higgins Community is selective based on ranking with the membership price indexed to the size of the business making it readily affordable and invaluable to any sized business.

The end result is a reliable ranking system and business discovery process that is not based on how much a customer is willing to pay but rather what value they represent to customers and the community as a whole.


The truth is that small local businesses have every right to compete fairly with the larger ones. It’s their products, uniqueness, reviews and service that should set them apart. Not how much money they are willing to pay to get listed first.

That’s why our 100-point ranking system really delves into the value that a business provides versus the size of their pocket book.


Higgins High-Touch Personalized Technical Service Specialists (TSS) will configure and support Higgins.AI to meet your business needs and ensure you are satisfied.


P.U.R.E.S. 100 Point Ranking System Demystified.

Product Score - 20 Points 

Identifying the top traits that a business product can demonstrate involves a blend of qualities that appeal to consumers, satisfy market needs, and stand out against competitors. Here's a list of 20 key Product traits used in the P.U.R.E.S. Ranking System:

1. Innovativeness: Offering something new or improved.

2. Reliability: Consistent performance over time.

3. Usability: Ease of use and intuitive design.

4. Efficiency: Doing more with less, saving time or resources.

5. Durability: Long-lasting with minimal maintenance.

6. Scalability: Ability to increase production or performance as needed.

7. Affordability: Priced competitively without sacrificing quality.

8. Accessibility: Easy to obtain or use by a wide audience, including those with disabilities.

9. Customizability: Options for personalization to meet individual needs.

10. Compatibility: Works well with other products or systems.

11. Eco-friendliness: Minimally impacts or benefits the environment.

12. Safety: Ensures the welfare of users and meets regulatory standards.

13. Quality: High standards of production, leading to satisfaction.

14. Aesthetics: Visually appealing and stimulates a positive emotional response.

15. Functionality: Performs its intended or advertised function effectively.

16. Inclusivity: Considerate of diverse user needs and backgrounds.

17. Portability: Easy to move or transport.

18. Responsiveness: Quick to react or adapt to user feedback or market changes.

19. Security: Protects against theft, data breaches, and other risks.

20. Transparency: Clear about features, pricing, and the supply chain.

These traits can vary in importance depending on the nature of the product and its target market, but collectively they provide a comprehensive framework for evaluating and developing a competitive business product.

Uniqueness - 20 Points

Providing a unique offering to customers is essential for standing out in a competitive market. Here are the top 20 ways the P.U.R.E.S. Ranking System ranks the Uniqueness of businesses on how they differentiate their products or services and offer something truly unique to their customers:

1. Customization Options: Allow customers to personalize products or services to their preferences.

2. Bundled Services: Offer complementary services as a package that competitors don’t.

3. Exceptional Customer Service: Provide outstanding, memorable customer service that goes above and beyond.

4. Loyalty Programs: Create a loyalty program with unique rewards that aren’t available elsewhere.

5. Eco-Friendly Solutions: Emphasize sustainability and eco-friendliness in your offerings.

6. Exclusive Memberships: Offer membership options that provide special benefits, discounts, or exclusive products.

7. Innovative Technology: Utilize the latest technology to offer services or products that are cutting-edge.

8. Personalized Experiences: Use customer data to tailor experiences, recommendations, and services.

9. Quality and Craftsmanship: Emphasize superior quality or artisan craftsmanship that can’t be found in mass-produced items.

10. Limited Editions: Offer limited edition products that create a sense of exclusivity.

11. Community Engagement: Build a community around your brand, offering events, forums, or clubs for customers to engage in.

12. Unique Branding: Develop a distinctive brand identity, voice, and aesthetic that stands out.

13. Niche Focus: Specialize in a niche market to offer deep expertise and specialized products/services.

14. Educational Content: Provide valuable educational content or workshops related to your product or service.

15. Experience Over Product: Focus on selling an experience rather than just a product or service.

16. Subscription Models: Offer subscription services that provide ongoing value in a unique way.

17. Innovative Packaging: Use creative, sustainable, or reusable packaging that adds value to the customer experience.

18. Fast or Free Shipping: Offer exceptionally fast or free shipping options.

19. Social Responsibility: Align with social causes, donating a portion of proceeds or supporting community projects.

20. Collaborations: Collaborate with artists, designers, or other brands to offer exclusive products.

While these rankings are by no means complete, they provide some level of understanding of the strategies and examples on how businesses offer a unique value proposition to their customers.

Reviews - 20 Points 

Handling both positive and negative reviews is essential for businesses aiming to maintain a positive reputation and improve their services. Here are the top 20 ways that the P.U.R.E.S. Ranking System determines how effectively businesses manage these Reviews:

Handling Positive Reviews:

1. Express Gratitude: Always thank the customer for their review and positive feedback.

2. Personalize Your Response: Address the reviewer by name and mention specific details they brought up to show genuine engagement.

3. Share the Feedback: Internally share positive reviews with your team to boost morale.

4. Leverage for Marketing: With permission, use positive reviews in your marketing materials.

5. Invite to Engage More: Encourage happy customers to share their experiences on social media.

6. Offer a Loyalty Reward: Show appreciation by offering a discount or special offer.

7. Request More Feedback: Ask what else you can do to improve or what other services they’d like to see.

8. Highlight in Testimonials: Feature standout reviews prominently on your website or in-store.

9. Engage Beyond the Review: Encourage ongoing interaction by inviting them to join a loyalty program or newsletter.

10. Track Feedback Trends: Use positive feedback to identify strengths and areas to replicate success.

Handling Negative Reviews:

11. Respond Promptly: Address negative reviews quickly to show you value feedback and are attentive to customer concerns.

12. Apologize and Empathize: Start by apologizing for the customer’s negative experience and show empathy for their situation.

13. Take Responsibility: Acknowledge any mistakes and take responsibility without making excuses.

14. Offer a Solution: Propose a specific and reasonable way to rectify the issue.

15. Take the Conversation Offline: For complex issues, invite the customer to continue the conversation privately.

16. Follow Up: Check back to ensure the customer is satisfied with the resolution.

17. Learn from Feedback: Use criticism as a learning opportunity to improve products or services.

18. Monitor Reviews Regularly: Keep a close watch on new reviews to address them in a timely manner.

19. Train Staff: Ensure your team knows how to handle negative feedback professionally.

20. Publicly Commit to Improvement: Show potential customers that you’re committed to constant improvement.

These are only some ways that business can effectively handle any reviews and more importantly use them to improve customer service, relationships and the experience overall.

Employment - 20 Points 

When businesses genuinely care for and include their employees, they typically exhibit certain traits that contribute to a positive, engaging, and productive workplace culture. That’s why the P.U.R.E.S. Ranking System are based on the top 20 traits of Employment in such businesses:

1. Diverse Workforce: Actively promotes diversity in hiring and company culture.

2. Inclusive Leadership: Leaders who listen, learn, and incorporate diverse perspectives into decision-making.

3. Equal Opportunities: Provides equal opportunities for growth, development, and advancement.

4. Respectful Environment: Maintains a culture of respect, where all employees feel valued and heard.

5. Employee Resource Groups (ERGs): Supports ERGs for minorities, women, LGBTQ+, and other groups.

6. Flexible Work Arrangements: Offers options such as remote work, flexible hours, and part-time positions.

7. Transparent Communication: Encourages open communication and shares information transparently.

8. Recognition of Contributions: Regularly acknowledges and rewards employees' contributions and achievements.

9. Professional Development: Invests in training, mentoring, and career development programs.

10. Fair Compensation: Pays fair wages and offers benefits that reflect the value employees bring.

11. Health and Wellness Programs: Provides programs that support physical and mental health.

12. Work-Life Balance: Recognizes the importance of balance and supports employees in achieving it.

13. Safe Work Environment: Ensures a physically and emotionally safe workplace free from harassment or discrimination.

14. Community Engagement: Encourages and facilitates employee involvement in community and social causes.

15. Accessibility: Makes the workplace accessible and inclusive for people with disabilities.

16. Inclusive Policies and Practices: Develops policies that support diversity and inclusion at all levels.

17. Feedback Mechanisms: Implements systems for employees to provide feedback and suggestions safely.

18. Cultural Competence: Promotes understanding and respect for cultural differences.

19. Conflict Resolution: Provides fair and effective mechanisms for resolving workplace conflicts.

20. Social Responsibility: Demonstrates commitment to ethical practices and social responsibility.

These traits not only contribute to a positive work environment but also help in attracting and retaining top talent, fostering innovation, and enhancing the company's reputation.

Service Score - 20 Points

Offering exceptional customer service is crucial for building loyalty, enhancing customer satisfaction, and fostering a positive reputation. The P.U.R.E.S. Ranking System uses these 20 ways to determine how a business demonstrates exceptional Service to its customers:

1. Personalized Interactions: Tailor services and communications to individual customer needs and preferences.

2. Prompt Responses: Ensure quick replies to customer inquiries and issues.

3. Empathy and Understanding: Show genuine concern for customers' problems.

4. Proactive Support: Anticipate customer needs and address them before they become problems.

5. Highly Trained Staff: Invest in training so staff can provide knowledgeable and effective support.

6. Ease of Access: Make it easy for customers to get in touch through multiple channels.

7. Reliability: Deliver consistent, dependable services or products.

8. After-Sales Service: Continue supporting customers even after they have made a purchase.

9. Listening to Feedback: Actively seek and act on customer feedback to improve services.

10. Exceeding Expectations: Go above and beyond what customers expect.

11. Transparency: Be open about policies, pricing, and procedures.

12. Efficient Problem Resolution: Solve customer issues quickly and effectively.

13. Loyalty Rewards: Offer benefits for repeat business to show appreciation.

14. Accessibility for All: Ensure services are accessible to people with disabilities.

15. Quality Assurance: Maintain high-quality standards for all products and services.

16. Community Involvement: Engage with and give back to the community.

17. Sustainability Practices: Adopt eco-friendly practices and products.

18. Cultural Competence: Acknowledge and respect cultural differences.

19. User-friendly Technology: Implement technology that enhances customer experience.

20. Privacy Protection: Safeguard personal information and respect customer privacy.

These detailed factors on improving customer service are the basis for the P.U.R.E.S. Ranking System that attempts to provide comprehensive insights on how business are enhancing customer Service, understanding modern customer needs, and leveraging customer feedback for continuous improvement.


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